Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Another year and another list of resolutions. I normally make a few but don't take them to seriously. This year however, I sat down when the house was nice and quiet and made a list of things I want to accomplish this year. The list is a bit long but full of things very important to me. So, I thought I would share the list here, so I feel like I am held more accountable for achieving these goals.

1. Quit smoking completely. I am down to just a few here and there and no smoking has been allowed in the house for several years so I'm hoping this is an easy one to accomplish.
2. Get back to church. My goal is to be there at least two times a month. This is a family resolution the kids and Lenny all agree this is something we will work on this year. We have found a church we like and feel comfortable in, so it should work well.
3. Exercise more/ lose at least 30 lbs this year
4. Be more organized
5. Be LESS stressed. This has been an ongoing resolution for a few years. I am making progress!
6. Save more money--use more coupons
7. More dates/time with Lenny. I see him all the time but what I mean is to go out and do things just the two of us or with friends. This rarely happens but this year I hope that will change!
8. Visit friends more..get out and about..live a little! The last year was rough being so sick but now that I am feeling better I should be able to achieve this goal.
9. Be happier... do away with those that cause drama and people that bring me down.
10. Just to maintain my health. Now that I know the main problem I can work on getting the other smaller issues addressed and fixed.

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